My 2021 Goals Status & Progress

It was last December 2020 when I started to have my goals for 2021. After making my financial, personal and social media goals that month, it was followed by a monthly review of my progress. By doing this I learned to push myself more in making my goals possible and at the same time makeContinueContinue reading “My 2021 Goals Status & Progress”

October 2021 Goals Review!

A lot of things happen in this month. My days are filled with a lot of activities that had helped me to became more active. I learned to focus on good things and prevent myself in dwelling in my own negative thoughts. Although there’s some challenges happened, I was able to surpass it in the end. As I continue to spend the rest of the months for this year, I will push myself to achieve all the goals that I’d planned.

AUGUST 2021 Goals Review!

This month has been full of blessings. I feel more inspired and dedicated to reach my goals in life. As I discover more of the opportunity around me, I slowly let go of my limitations and explore more of my potentials. I realized that bigger dreams will help you to be more motivated and see every day as an opportunity to step closer to it.
One must let go of their restrictions in order for them to realized things that they can do. They should own their lives and don’t let others control them. One thing that I also came to know this month, is not everyone around you truly cares. We should be careful enough to leave from toxicity and focus on our wellbeing. Rather than spending time talking about others, divert it into something productive.

JULY 2021 Goals Review!

Truly, you will always make time on doing something you love. Despite of the challenges that someone’s in, their passion will make way for them to make it possible. As I continue to share my life story, inspirational blogs about finances, self-care, poetry and many more, I hope that it will reach out to someone who’s looking for hope in their lives. May this blog be their inspiration to reach their dreams and goals in life.
It will be a long journey for me and for everyone, but let’s stick to our plans and make our goals possible. Let’s continue to have a journey worth of a story, while extending inspiration to the rest.

JUNE Goals review!

Doing something consistently can literally change something in your life. In my case, as I start this blog, workout and my own self-care goals really made a huge impact in this halfway of my year.

Despite of what happened last 2020, truly you can expect a good year if only you’ll work on it. I came to realized that whatever you think impossible can only be possible if you change your mindset. Like what most people say “Mindset is Everything.” and that made this year very memorable to me.

“Wishing something without doing anything is like waiting for nothing.”

APRIL Goals Review!

Four out of twelve months is now officially done! Time really pass by so fast and I have this feeling that maybe I can’t keep up! Though I’m trying so hard to achieve my monthly goals, I still can’t help to get rid this anxious feeling building up inside of me. Well I’m pretty sureContinueContinue reading “APRIL Goals Review!”

MARCH Goals Review!

Third month of the year 2021 is now officially done! Everything were like put in a fast forward mode and even me I can’t imagined that the days all went fast. March has been a great month for me and all that thanks to new plans that I was able to do. Looking back fromContinueContinue reading “MARCH Goals Review!”

FEBRUARY Goals Review!

In my last blog (January Goals Review) about a review of my goals status, I was able to share some of my failure and progress. I came to know that by having this, it helped me to be more motivated and inspired in setting and achieving my goals. With the help of this review, IContinueContinue reading “FEBRUARY Goals Review!”

My 2021 Goals

Indeed this year has been the big turning point of my life. I never had imagined that it will all happen in just one year! It was truly challenging that until now I can’t help to think that maybe this is not real. I lost my job. I lost some of my relatives. I lostContinueContinue reading “My 2021 Goals”