2022 Financial Recap

As I started to thoroughly track and build my finances, I believe it will serve as my guide to achieve all of my financial goals. This will be the start of the financial freedom that I’d been aiming since I started my career. Together with the rest of my goals, I promise to be consistent in doing this in order for me to know my progress every year. I believe that this will help me to know the other aspect that I can still improve and prioritize in terms of my finances. Together with efforts and hard work, I am looking forward that this will be another great year for me to make more investment.
I’m happy and proud for all of these accomplishments that I made this year 2022. I know that this will just be the beginning of everything. One thing for sure is, I will never give up and continue what I started this year.

“Financial freedom is available to those who learn about it and work for it.” ― Robert Kiyosaki

August 2022 Financial Review

A lot of things happened in this month due to my upcoming vacation. Because of this, I also spent a lot in preparation of my requirements and treats for my family. Nevertheless, it all went according to my plans so I’m still happy about it.

Another reason that made me feel so grateful this month is when I started to make specific plans for myself. This step greatly helped me to be inspired and motivated to all the things that I planned for myself. Although some may see it like I’m over planning things, what important for me is I’m progressing every single day.

July 2022 Financial Review

Another inspiring month has come to an end. With all these realizations that God gave me this month, it helped me to exert more efforts to all the goals that I planned. Finally, my main target for this year which is to renovate our two house rentals now marked as DONE. Within less than two years, I was able to reach my target budget for both and before the 2022-year ends, we were able to secure tenants for it.

This will be impossible if I didn’t stick to my plans this year. I’m happy that all of my efforts and patience to stop myself in buying unnecessary things are all granted with great results.

June 2022 Financial Review

In this month, I’d been having a lot of ideas for my future in terms of businesses, own home, finances and many more other things. I feel like God provided me inspirations for me to think of ways on how to slowly achieve it as early as possible. Because of it, I feel so inspiredContinueContinue reading “June 2022 Financial Review”

April 2022 Financial Review

Since a kid, I’d been a fan of budgeting. Every time I received my allowance when I was a still a student, I always write a budget so that I can save some money from it. Until I graduated in college, I keep doing a budget guideline that I planned to do if ever I find a job. Could you imagine that I even plan a budget for a specific salary even without being employed yet? It’s funny but those things really helped me to get on where I am right now. The plans that I made before became my guide to choose the right decision in life. Now that I’m in the age that I need to settle down, I started investing on things that will help me in the future. In this blog that I started this year, it tells my journey on how I will achieve the goals that I set for myself. By doing this, it will help me to easily looked back on what I’d been through and at the same time inspire the people around me to do the same.

March 2022 Financial Review

Doing this monthly review of my finances, it helped me to asses my savings capacity and manage well my expenses. Although I almost hit zero balance in my current account, I foresee already everything from the projected cash flow that I’m doing. That helped me to ready myself and at least feel less pressured/stress in that situation. One thing that I also realized is I became more dedicated in managing my finances.

February 2022 Financial Review

As I started to have a monthly review of my finances last January, it helped me a lot to assess myself especially on how I manage my finances. By means of this, I became more aware on where my money goes and at the same time come up with a plan on how to make it better. I feel like I’m managing a company which is my own self and review my monthly performance in line with my goals. I found this strategy very effective because I learned to be more cautious in spending my money. Although I was known to be a thrifty person ever since, I can say that I’m taking thing now more professional that before. At least, by means of doing this, I can manage and assess my finances well.

January 2022 Financial Review

In this month of January 2022, I successfully achieved the budget amount for my expenses and at the same time my savings such as the 1st insurance, Investment and retirement fund. There are also changes that had taken place in this month which result to some of my plans change. Despite of that, I choose to be positive and believe that I can still able to achieve all the things that I’m planning for this year.