July & August 2022 Workout Progress

To summarized my workout journey from July to August, I’m happy that once again, I successfully achieved all the targets that I set for myself. I was able to develop a good habit right now which make me feel that my day is incomplete without doing any physical activities. The whole experience was really fun so even though it was really hard at first, I was able to enjoy it until the end.

May & June 2022 Workout Progress

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com After I successfully achieved my workout routine starting last April, I developed a habit that helped to be consistent up until this day. The routine that I did from April to June became my guide to make time for my workout. It became a part of my day and withoutContinueContinue reading “May & June 2022 Workout Progress”

Simple Steps to get rid of your Insecurities

We are in the period where anxiety and envy is now a common thing. Regardless of age, gender and status, we are all guilty to have these kinds of feelings. We can easily be swayed by material things which we don’t have and we eventually define happiness on what others have. Why do we badlyContinueContinue reading “Simple Steps to get rid of your Insecurities”

8 Self Care Activities for Working Individuals

Trust me. You’ll always be busy and that’s will be your common excuse.

Now, is it really possible to accommodate other things to your daily routine if you find it hard to do more since you think you’re busy? Of course it’s POSSIBLE.

We are in the period that we put ourselves as our least priority. Guilty? Me too. We put at the back our minds the things that we deserve simply because you think it’s not worth it if you do it for yourself.