Seven Simple Goal Setting Tips!

Setting goals is one of the vital things that will determine your future? How? Because it will give you a direction which you will learn to be a better version of yourself. The constant planning and making targets will provide you an access to the life that you’re dreaming. With the right approach and method, you will surely come out successful.

7 Statements That Will Help You To Keep Going

Life will never be easy, but we can still choose to enjoy our journey as we discover our goals in life. We should not fear what will happen tomorrow, rather look forward to it with joy and excitement. Isn’t it amazing that we are given a chance to choose what we can feel? It is all based from us whether we start our day with a smile on our faces, or be problematic.
With these statements above, it will greatly help someone who feels like on the verge of giving up. It will make them realized that life is not really complicated to live with. It’s a beautiful world that one should enjoy and make most out of it. With this small help which aims to give hope to others, may we all shift our mindset into positive one right at this moment.

Let’s live a beautiful life together.

SHARING IS CARING: My Ideal Budget for 2022

As I turn 26 next year, this will be the start of how my money officially grows. I will continue to build passive income that will help me to funds all of my dreams and hopes in life.

I still have a long way to go but all I can say is I will never give up and continue to soar high!

JUNE Goals review!

Doing something consistently can literally change something in your life. In my case, as I start this blog, workout and my own self-care goals really made a huge impact in this halfway of my year.

Despite of what happened last 2020, truly you can expect a good year if only you’ll work on it. I came to realized that whatever you think impossible can only be possible if you change your mindset. Like what most people say “Mindset is Everything.” and that made this year very memorable to me.

“Wishing something without doing anything is like waiting for nothing.”

8 Self Care Activities for Working Individuals

Trust me. You’ll always be busy and that’s will be your common excuse.

Now, is it really possible to accommodate other things to your daily routine if you find it hard to do more since you think you’re busy? Of course it’s POSSIBLE.

We are in the period that we put ourselves as our least priority. Guilty? Me too. We put at the back our minds the things that we deserve simply because you think it’s not worth it if you do it for yourself.

APRIL Goals Review!

Four out of twelve months is now officially done! Time really pass by so fast and I have this feeling that maybe I can’t keep up! Though I’m trying so hard to achieve my monthly goals, I still can’t help to get rid this anxious feeling building up inside of me. Well I’m pretty sureContinueContinue reading “APRIL Goals Review!”

Tips to Survive in Hospitality Industry (For Beginners)

Hospitality Industry has been booming since before. As time goes by, the experience became more tailored to the current generation it caters. From hotels, resort, restaurant, spa and many more sub establishment that it can offer, people will surely not end up being unemployed. But that’s the case before. Now since it’s pandemic this industryContinueContinue reading “Tips to Survive in Hospitality Industry (For Beginners)”

“Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?”

“I will tell you again and again that you’re not gonna make it!” “Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?” “One day you’ll realized that once you failed you’ll gonna see it!” “I want to tell you the truth, I’m sorry but you’re just incapable.” To grow up in this world is surely veryContinueContinue reading ““Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?””

FEBRUARY Goals Review!

In my last blog (January Goals Review) about a review of my goals status, I was able to share some of my failure and progress. I came to know that by having this, it helped me to be more motivated and inspired in setting and achieving my goals. With the help of this review, IContinueContinue reading “FEBRUARY Goals Review!”

10 Things I Realized While Growing Up

We all have our own dreams, goals and plans in life. Daydreaming in a place where you’d been wanting to go and hearing the birds chirping while your feet is getting wet every time the beach waves hit you. Have you ever felt ecstatic just thinking of an ideal life that you’d been wanting toContinueContinue reading “10 Things I Realized While Growing Up”

Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering

I think most of us are entirely dependent in our salary. I’d been like that for so long and even until now. But when I lost my job due to the pandemic and be unemployed for six months last 2020, that’s how I realized the importance of having different source of cash flow. Just imagine,ContinueContinue reading “Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering”

Proper Wealth Management of People Under 30!

The most used method that shouldn’t be followed. If you’d been practicing this kind of lifestyle now, all I can say is stop it now. What you’ll do in these years will determine 30% of your future, why? because this is the period where you’re still physically and mentally active. Others may say that “Nah!ContinueContinue reading “Proper Wealth Management of People Under 30!”