Every month teaches us new things. It makes us realize things that we are not aware of before. It gives us opportunity to be a better version of ourselves by giving 31 days to work on it. With all these things mentioned above, the only thing that we need is to do our part.

Life is short. We don’t know what will happen next but we have the power to decide what kind of future we wanted for ourselves. For me, my way is to make sure that I’m gaining progress every single month. There’s no time to waste.


Hello April!
We are now in the fourth month of this year. Looking back on the first three months that had passed, I can say that I am doing pretty well. By reviewing every now and then my progress, it helped me to be more motivated and inspired. It also helped me to plan my days well so that I can make sure that there’s no time to waste. With all the things that’s currently happening in the world right now, it is very important that we help ourselves to be strong. Of course, we cannot always rely to someone. At some point in our life, we need to be strong alone


Another month came and this just shows how God gave us another chance to reach our goals in life. As the third month of this year comes, let’s take this opportunity to work on our plans, be a better version of ourselves, make memorable memories and share blessings to the rest.
We should not let this month just pass by, rather we should make most out of this chance that we were given. There will more challenges that will come on our way, but let’s just stay positive and continue to trust HIM.
In this path that I’m currently in, I will continue what I started. Despite of the ups and downs that I will encounter in this month, I will promise to stay focus. One thing for sure is that I will make this month full of happiness, learnings and experiences.


Hello February!
Another month had passed and here we are again with another chance for us to take a step closer to our goals. In the past month, we were able to track our growth, work on ourselves and conclude it with a blog about unforgettable moments that happened. It was a month full of memories and productivity. All of what I experienced are all worth it because I learned and realized a lot of things. I observed that I became more dedicated to pursue the passion within me and focus more on positive things. Now, there are no more room for negativity. As I continue what I started last month, I will push myself to make this period my year.

January 2022 Goals Review

The month of January ended really fast. As I looked back to what happened in the past weeks, I can say that it was a really challenging period for everyone. I was so skeptical if I can pursue all the plans I made in this month, but with God’s grace, I’m so thankful that I was still able to made it happen. I failed in some aspects, but I still have this thought in me that I can still work on it on the next month. With all the things that I realized this January, I will surely apply it on my next plan. I believe that mistakes and failures will be my driving force to exert more efforts in my next move.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”-Isaiah 40:29-31

With 11 more months to go, I will make sure that I will continue what I started. The strength and faith within me will be my guide towards the goals that I’m aiming for. This blog will be my life story and will serve as an evidence that impossible things can be possible if you put your heart in everything you do. Be with me as I discover more of myself. It will be a long journey for me, but I believe that I’m not the only one who’s in the same page.


JAN 2022 Work Out Progress

Finally, I completed the first month of my self-love journey for this year 2022. It was quite hard at first and I even experience extreme muscle pain for the first week, but here I am concluding this month’s progress. Now I feel so proud and grateful that He gave me a chance to do work on this goal of mine. Despite of the external challenges going on in the world right now like the rising cases of COVID, I didn’t let my anxiety grow and just focus on my workout.


Before I officially end the year 2021, I decided to prepare my own target goals for the next year. Like what I did for this year, I wanted to plan my year ahead so that I can ensure that I’ll be able to achieve all that I wanted to do. By doing this, it helpedContinueContinue reading “MY 2022 LIFE GOALS”

September 2021 Goals Review!

There are three more months before we officially end this year. As we start this new month, I hope and pray that each and everyone of us will achieve their goals for this year. I know that 2020 has been a challenging year for us. Nobody expected that it will turn out like this and up until this day some are still looking for hope.
Despite on experiencing all of that, may we all find courage to live with it and continue our journey. May all of these challenges serve as a basis to be a better individual that will not cowered in fear and will continuously stand up no matter how many times we fall. Let’s cheer up and help each other so we can all surpass this trial that we’re all facing.
We have three more months to do something great this year. Let’s grab this chance to be a better version of our own selves while being a blessing to the rest.

AUGUST 2021 Goals Review!

This month has been full of blessings. I feel more inspired and dedicated to reach my goals in life. As I discover more of the opportunity around me, I slowly let go of my limitations and explore more of my potentials. I realized that bigger dreams will help you to be more motivated and see every day as an opportunity to step closer to it.
One must let go of their restrictions in order for them to realized things that they can do. They should own their lives and don’t let others control them. One thing that I also came to know this month, is not everyone around you truly cares. We should be careful enough to leave from toxicity and focus on our wellbeing. Rather than spending time talking about others, divert it into something productive.

JULY 2021 Goals Review!

Truly, you will always make time on doing something you love. Despite of the challenges that someone’s in, their passion will make way for them to make it possible. As I continue to share my life story, inspirational blogs about finances, self-care, poetry and many more, I hope that it will reach out to someone who’s looking for hope in their lives. May this blog be their inspiration to reach their dreams and goals in life.
It will be a long journey for me and for everyone, but let’s stick to our plans and make our goals possible. Let’s continue to have a journey worth of a story, while extending inspiration to the rest.