Things I Realized After my Vacation

We all experienced getting more inspired after we’d done something again after a long time. For me, this vacation gave a lot of insights that made me feel more motivated in life. With all of these realizations, I will make use of it as my driving force towards the future that I am aiming.

I will not settle for less until I’ll make it happen!

March 2022 Recap

“My ultimate goal right now is to be happy.”
A lot of things happened in this month. As I write this blog, a sense of nostalgia suddenly embraces me. Isn’t it amazing how days passes by so fast? A sudden happening in our life can be a part of our past within a short period of time. With this thought in my mind, I realized how precious our time is. We won’t be here in this world for so long and that’s a fact. Now, it’s our choice if how we will spend our days in this world.

For me, I choose HAPPINESS.

October 2021 Goals Review!

A lot of things happen in this month. My days are filled with a lot of activities that had helped me to became more active. I learned to focus on good things and prevent myself in dwelling in my own negative thoughts. Although there’s some challenges happened, I was able to surpass it in the end. As I continue to spend the rest of the months for this year, I will push myself to achieve all the goals that I’d planned.

6 Different Ways on How I Create a Life that I Love

For sure everyone defines an ideal life in different ways. Since this is a personal matter which can only be decided by us, I think that we should all consider having a life that we wanted for us to feel more productive. We should always look forward on what the day will bring and keep that excitement consistently.

Every single day is a rare chance for us to be a better version of ourselves. May we all continue to strive to reach our goals and at the same time inspire others to do the same. The perfect time to do it is right now. Win over your excuses and do something today that can benefit you forever.

MY JOURNEY: When it all started?

In my almost five years in the industry, I learned a lot of things that really changed my whole being. From the way I see my mistakes, the challenges that I face and the people I meet along the way. I learned that growth is a continuous process and everyone should aim for it. We should not be in our own comfort zone but to continue aiming what we hope for. We should not be covered by fear and see everything as an opportunity to be better. Ups and down will always be there and it’s a matter of how we stand up and learned to give up despite of the instances that we may fall again.