Simple Self Care Ideas at Home

As you read this blog, you’ll realized simple things that can help you to change your habits into a good one. As you do this consistently you will see your own progress as well. It will become your usual routine that you won’t find yourself to live without it. These simple things can be done at home, so you just need to exert a minimal effort to do it. By following this you can also have a chance to influence the people around you to do the same.

Ways to Get Rid of Your Busy Mindset

If you are currently working right now, for sure “I’m busy.” Is your most common word you use all the time. Stress is all over you and probably you find it hard to look for your own self, simply because you don’t have spare time.
Have you ever talked to someone without putting any work-related topics of yours? If your answer is No, I’m pretty sure you’re already a “Busy Mindset” person by now.

Is it possible to get a Life Insurance from a P20,000 salary?

In the present, we all know that some people are not yet financially literate enough to think of the things that they MUST have. They often live within their budget, and their savings directly go to their ATM. They may keep some in their piggy bank but just like any other savings, it’s easily use up by certain financial challenges that they face.

People define security in different ways. Some may think that once they have the means, they can always be ready in the future. The sad part here is oftentimes the rest took “Financial Security” for granted.

Have you ever thought why rich people are getting richer while the rest are still struggling in their financials? The answer in that question is FINANCIAL LITERACY

[Save to be Safe] Budget Strategies for Breadwinners

Are you the bread winner of the family?
For sure, it’s very hard for you to manage your finances knowing that you have a lot of priorities in your hand. Although your life circumstances made it all happen, you can still start your own savings even with a minimum amount you have.
Is it possible? Yes.

[Save to be Safe] 5 Simple Tips to Lessen Your Expenses

Spend. Spend. Spend. Are you one of those people who usually spend more than what they save? Well, all of us had been there before. Who would not spend on the things that they like? Of course, as long as there’s a means, for sure we’ll get it any way possible. People differs on howContinueContinue reading “[Save to be Safe] 5 Simple Tips to Lessen Your Expenses”

Simple Steps to get rid of your Insecurities

We are in the period where anxiety and envy is now a common thing. Regardless of age, gender and status, we are all guilty to have these kinds of feelings. We can easily be swayed by material things which we don’t have and we eventually define happiness on what others have. Why do we badlyContinueContinue reading “Simple Steps to get rid of your Insecurities”

Tips to Survive in Hospitality Industry (For Beginners)

Hospitality Industry has been booming since before. As time goes by, the experience became more tailored to the current generation it caters. From hotels, resort, restaurant, spa and many more sub establishment that it can offer, people will surely not end up being unemployed. But that’s the case before. Now since it’s pandemic this industryContinueContinue reading “Tips to Survive in Hospitality Industry (For Beginners)”

Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!

In my previous blog First Step: 8 Ways to Invest in Yourself I guided everyone on their first step in attaining their career goals.  Study and get a degree.Go for seminars!Look for a training that can give you certificates.Learn new skill!Establish professional connection in your industry.Build your profile and let them know your presence.Do things otherContinueContinue reading “Sharing is Caring: How I Achieved my P60K Emergency Fund in Three Months!”

10 Things I Realized While Growing Up

We all have our own dreams, goals and plans in life. Daydreaming in a place where you’d been wanting to go and hearing the birds chirping while your feet is getting wet every time the beach waves hit you. Have you ever felt ecstatic just thinking of an ideal life that you’d been wanting toContinueContinue reading “10 Things I Realized While Growing Up”

Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering

I think most of us are entirely dependent in our salary. I’d been like that for so long and even until now. But when I lost my job due to the pandemic and be unemployed for six months last 2020, that’s how I realized the importance of having different source of cash flow. Just imagine,ContinueContinue reading “Top 5 Passive Income I’m Considering”

Things I’m Grateful for at 25

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”  -Robert Brault I know that there are times we usually neglect things that are not worth to be celebrated. We always think that it’s just a petty things compare to the success of others. But one thingContinueContinue reading “Things I’m Grateful for at 25”

LAW OF ATTRACTION: Let’s All Claim It!

“Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.”― Stephen Richards As this saying goes by Mr, Stephen Richards, I do believe that this is real. People tend to think negatively nowadays since they usually compare their lives to others, but little did they know this is not yet their time. We allContinueContinue reading “LAW OF ATTRACTION: Let’s All Claim It!”