My Realizations as an Expat in Qatar

With this opportunity of working in middle east, I used it as a way for me to make progress in different aspect of my life. As I close this chapter here in this country, I am proud of the person that I become with the help of all my experiences here. This blog aims to inspire others to go after their dreams even if they need to start alone in a country far from their home. My journey is the evidence of how wonderful it is to go beyond your expectations and start a journey all alone.
You may need to take a little risk but I can assure you that it will be worth it in the end.
As I’m about to take a new big risk in my life in which I need to start all over again in a new country, I believe that there’s a big adventure waiting for me to experience. All I know is I’m afraid yet excited for another wonderful journey that I’m about to experience once again!

My Investments After Working in Qatar for Six Years-OFW

For six years that I’d been working here in this country, some may say that it’s too long while others may tell that it’s too short. For me, regardless of the years you work, the most important factor that you everyone needs to look is the changes that happened throughout that journey. Only us can tell if it is worth it, or not.
Having a goal even before I started working helped me to focus on the path I need to work on. It became my guide to pursue all of these investments that I acquired here in Qatar. With these achievements, I decided to keep moving forward while inspiring others.

My Living Expense in Qatar- OFW

Our living expense plays a big role to know our savings capacity. I believe that you already encounter some people who are earning less but yet they have a lot of savings and on the other hand, there are some who are earning more but yet keep borrowing money from others. With this, you can see how lifestyle affects significantly in one’s life. Given the opportunity to work overseas where they offer a benefit package of accommodation, food, transportation and uniforms I grab that chance even the basic salary is quite low and far from others expectation. As a fresh graduate, of course I know that I need to look first for quality experience rather than big salary. That’s what I have in mind while getting the first opportunity I had in Qatar. Rather than looking in that negative aspect of the offer, I divert my mind on what else it offers which are skills, experience, knowledge and quality of life. In this blog, I will be sharing my personal living expense in my six years working here in Qatar. Since the economy is changing from time to time and our needs differs from each other, expect that my way of living will not be ideal for some. Despite of this, I’ll be sharing you my experiences so that you can get an idea before moving here.

Life of an Expat in Qatar – OFW

As an expat living in Qatar for more than six years, I can say that this place is ideal to start your career. If you get an opportunity here, then I can suggest that you need to go for it. Even though they don’t offer residency here not until you achieved all their strict requirements, you can still see this country as your starting ground to achieved your career goals. That’s what I actually have in mind when I decided to work here. Having a background overseas would help me to gain a competitive edge in the future. If you’re still a bit skeptical to visit nor work here, you can first check what I will share in this blog. Here, I will share all the basic information that I think is necessary for anyone to know especially for those who wanted to stay here for long-term. Everything that will be stated here is based on my personal experience when I got here last 2016. This blog only aims to share what I experienced and not to criticized any cultural differences.