7 Best Life Advices I’ve Ever Received

25 years living in this world, I came across with a lot of people that taught me a lot of things. Some of them became my close friends and some are meant to stay temporary in my life.
Regardless of having ups and downs in my journey, their memories are still present in my heart. Their words of encouragement gave me more than enough inspiration for me to continuously strive for my goals.

For sure we all received best advices from the people we’d met along our journey. Some of it put a marked in our lives that until now helps us to keep going.

To start it, here’s the top 7 advices I received in my 25 years living.

Love Untitled

Photo by Mariana Montrazi on Pexels.com It all started when I asked you “Why?”, And when you responded it with a sigh. All I wanted is to free myself from your bind, But whatever I do you’ll always choose to don’t mind. I’ll be the spare that you can use every time you’re bored. CozContinueContinue reading “Love Untitled”

Will I ever make my dreams come true?

I’d been thinking too much lately, In this past few days worries are what keeps me. Keeping me awake late at night thinking a lot of things, That question every goals that I am dreaming. Sometimes I doubt myself that maybe it’s too much, Whatever I am aiming are more than what I can onlyContinueContinue reading “Will I ever make my dreams come true?”

Turning Point Memories of my Life

Everyone of us for sure experienced these kind of memories wherein whenever we reminisce it, there’s a sudden feelings that comes out like it only happened just yesterday. We’re like bound to it that even that situation made us sad, we can’t help but to keep it in our lives wherever we’ll be. Life willContinueContinue reading “Turning Point Memories of my Life”

You Can Never be Someone Else

“Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn’t change the heart of others– it only changes yours.” ― Shannon Alder, 300 Questions to Ask Your Parents Before It’s Too Late We are all born differently, from how we looks, how we think and how we perceive life. We can born in the same place, same time and same bloodline butContinueContinue reading “You Can Never be Someone Else”

“Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?”

“I will tell you again and again that you’re not gonna make it!” “Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?” “One day you’ll realized that once you failed you’ll gonna see it!” “I want to tell you the truth, I’m sorry but you’re just incapable.” To grow up in this world is surely veryContinueContinue reading ““Can you just please stop dreaming the impossible?””

It’s a Long Difficult Road

It’s a long difficult road they said, But here she is continue to walks unafraid. Stares are everywhere and whispers are all present, But she chose to move forward and be silent. Her calloused feet seems like about to give up, She healed it up but continue to walk on top. A lot of hiddenContinueContinue reading “It’s a Long Difficult Road”

For My Future Kids

If ever you’re reading this hopefully I achieved my dreams, Hopefully I’m in a place where I dream of having ever since. Drinking a cup of coffee as I reminisce every single thing, That happened to me when I was actively living. If ever you’re reading this I hope you are in the safe place,ContinueContinue reading “For My Future Kids”

10 Things I Realized While Growing Up

We all have our own dreams, goals and plans in life. Daydreaming in a place where you’d been wanting to go and hearing the birds chirping while your feet is getting wet every time the beach waves hit you. Have you ever felt ecstatic just thinking of an ideal life that you’d been wanting toContinueContinue reading “10 Things I Realized While Growing Up”

You Kill Me to Live Again

The scars and marks are still there, Covering my body like a dress and shoes to pair. It was once a happy ever after, Without knowing the tragic ending that is waiting for her. You make her believe all the lies you made, Keeping her hopes up like your own personal maid. From the promisesContinueContinue reading “You Kill Me to Live Again”